Ep 9: Learn your Personal Year Number(numerology) & How to Create Success in 2022!

Season #1

In this episode, we dive into the Personal Year cycles in numerology- what they are, how you can calculate your own, and what each year brings in regards to opportunities, challenges and keys for harnessing the energy for your benefit. It's also a great time to look back and reframe your previous years to better understand your experiences from a more empowered, aware perspective.

What does 2022 hold for you?!

Here's how to calculate your Personal Year Number:

First, take the number of your birth month + your birth day + current calendar year and reduce the sum to a single digit.

For example, my birth month is January (1), my birthday is the 8th (8), and the current year is 2022 (6). 1+8+6=15 (now reduce to one digit - 1+5=6)

Personal Year Number = 6

Skip to your personal year explanation:

Personal Year 1: 8:28

Personal Year 2: 12:42

Personal Year 3: 15:52

Personal Year 4: 20:11

Personal Year 5: 24:01

Personal Year 6: 27:23

Personal Year 7: 30:54

Personal Year 8: 33:54

Personal Year 9: 37:35

Interested in a 'Reconnect to Your Purpose' reading? (Includes a 90-minute deep dive into your life path and soul blueprint as well as a success plan for moving forward in 2022 and beyond). Spots are limited. Schedule yours now... https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=14829374&appointmentType=28983166

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