EP:28 Shifting your way of being (I am paid by the Universe)
Join Rudi and Anniston as they share a powerful tip that created an elevated way of being in which they view their life as full of endless potential. In this episode, Rudi shares a story of how a client recently ended a twelve-month commitment early and how he navigated the process emotionally in mere seconds to serve the highest and greatest potential for all involved. His method took almost fifteen years to hone, but you can learn it in one conversation. You will learn the following: - How to view all situations and circumstances as serving you - How to shift your perspective to being paid by God (Universe) and not through your day job - Nothing is ever lost; you're creating space for more - Asking more empowered questions to begin living a more empowered life To learn more about Rudi and the work he does, visit www.RudiRiekstins.com