Rudi Riekstins is an entrepreneur, author, and a Top #5 life and business coach. For more than two decades, Rudi has impacted thousands of people, who have experienced powerful transformation through his training, online courses, group and private coaching. 

Rudi coaches his clients on becoming the most successful person they know, instructing and inspiring them not just to survive, but to thrive in any environment, situation, and relationship. He advocates that the only way to achieve this is by bringing mindfulness and consciousness into every aspect of daily life, especially within business. 

Rudi Riekstins is the co-founder of InPower University, a virtual platform educating the world how to tap into their personal power, align with their purpose and create ease, joy, and success in their lives through spiritual awakening and self-mastery. 

Rudi Riekstins is the author of Reset Your Mind, Reset Your Life, a book on how to remove limitations so you can experience unlimited abundance and freedom. 

He has been honored by Thrive Global as one of the "Top 10 Coaches to Help Your Thrive"; by Business Insider as one of the "Top 20 Mindful Thought Leaders Guiding Us into a Better 2021"; and he has been named in the "Top 10 Entrepreneurs to Watch as they Innovate and Expand Companies in 2021" by USA Today.

Schedule a Call with Rudi
Vanja Cosic - Trbovlje, Slovenia

I can confidently say Rudi grew my business by 45-50%!

Ruth King, New York City USA

Rudi held the room in his palm for 60- mins and closed to a standing ovation.

Ready to Get Started?

Select the program or service that's right for you and let's connect. 

Personal Coaching 

Are you ready to shift into your power and create your highest vision? Our high-touch, 1-on-1 mentorship programs are created for ultimate impact, transformation, and life goal achievement. 


Click below to schedule a discovery call to find out more.

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Business Success Coaching

Whether you're just starting out or the leader of a business organization, this unique program will help you create a successful mindset and consistent revenue gains whilst further aligning to your purpose and connecting a solid team.

Click below to schedule a discovery call to find out more.

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Keynotes/Live Trainings

Are you ready to not only inspire and motivate your team but create happy, driven, high-performing employees? If so, read more about our powerful live and virtual trainings for teams. 

Click below to schedule a discovery call to find out more.

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Need immediate clarity..? Schedule an awe-inspiring and life-changing hour with Rudi.

Hire Rudi for a 60-minute, 1:1 strategy call and clarify your NEXT STEPS to creating the success you desire.

Get Clarity on the following areas:

  • Mindset
  • Blocks to your Success
  • Financial Abundance
  • Relationship Resolution
  • Life Purpose Alignment

At the end of the strategy call, you can expect to feel clarity, inspiration, and motivation towards creating change and moving forward towards your goals!


Ashley Butkiewitz - Florida, USA

Rudi showed me that I am in charge of how I think and feel, he made me willingly walk out of my comfort zone & want to better myself in every possible way. 27 years of letting others hold me down are over, and today I step forward knowing I am in control and I deserve the future I am working toward. What an incredible and life changing experience! 

Morris Gad - New York USA

As the CEO of the largest tax & duty free diamond retailer in the world, it's vitally important to support and set our team up for lasting success. I have twice brought Rudi in as the opening Keynote speaker at our annual conference. Rudi powerfully disseminates info in a way that engages the entire team, with a unifying message. He has the ability to empower and inspire a team to take personal accountability and responsibility, for their position, setting themselves, and their teams, along with the company, up for success. Rudi drives tangible, real time results that drive the bottom line.

Deborah Maeder - Kentucky USA

Rudi's private coaching has been instrumental in saving my life and turning it around 180 degrees. No longer grief-stricken, hopeless and filled with despair, I'm now on a path of enlightenment that has brought me a new job, a new home, a renewed appreciation of life, and hope for the future. For me, Rudi and his gift are a gift from God! I wouldn't be where I am today without him.

W.A. Bates - London, England

It is through Rudi’s coaching that enabled me to see clarity in how to get to the next ‘level’ and see no end to how successful I can become. It is Rudi’s extremely high caliber of professionalism and his unrelenting passion for helping others to succeed in all avenues of their life that makes him able to lead others so efficiently. I am incredibly grateful for the time and effort Rudi has put into growing my professional life, and I only hope others can benefit from him as much as I. Thank you Rudi, for paving my way to success.

Debra Schrills - Florida, USA

After more than 20 years in one career, Rudi helped me transition into an entirely new business direction. I have never encountered coaching as intense and laser focused as Rudi provides. His strategies are highly motivational, and he makes you believe that you can excel at anything. When I need inspiration to do a challenging task, I simply think of Rudi. His positivity and strength are contagious. 

Brittany Laskey - California USA

Rudi has a remarkable ability to identify strengths and help you find purpose through thoughtful intention. His values-centered guidance, accomplished with warmth, humor, and just the right amount of tough love, have been transformational!" His coaching, and challenging insights, have helped us grow our business in a difficult climate to achieve unprecedented success.